In present time, a lot of things, even formal once, we’re able to arrange via internet. Times, when we have to spend plenty of hours in dedicated offices are finished, we are posting anything by e-mail, not normal post.
It’s the same with European patent, which is a lot simpler to get since we’re members of EU. If You require any certificate like that, You can either get help of expert.
There is a special website on which You may do European patent search, to be sure nobody else have register Your invention earlier. It is very decent method, cause You do not have to write down a special document to send it to another part of continent. You are just trying a search machine and wait several seconds for result. If You localize nothing the same, You may begin entire process of registration, also online. On the same site You can find papers to fill and later send by electronic message. However what if we’ve many of inventions each month, and we do not have time to reserve each? In that case You could arrange a special kind of lawyer. He’l do European patent search for us and another tasks needed to get Your certificate. You just need to find law agency that is skilled in offers like that.
You wish to know far more on this appealing problem? We are advising You next link. at this site ( a lot of fine particulars.
Luckily it don’t have to be someone from Your town, cause they will work for You online anyway. There are plenty of experts affordable, so make certain You are arranging the best one. Really helpful would be to read recommendations of their last clients.
International patent is really relevant when You like to gain benefits from Your inventions even outside the Poland. It isn’t hard to get, but You better find dedicated attorney if You want to get the patent fast.