Presently, many enterprise pretty heavily rely on their IT system. It is unquestionably one of the most important reasons, why so plenty of them decide to start hiring IT outsourcing companies. As it normally works – if there is a demand, there is also supply. Consequently, those days there are many companies that offer different activities in the field of IT outsourcing. Usually they offer a vast range of services. The competition is pretty high. Therefore, these companies keep on coming up with all these genuinely good ideas regarding how to stay competitive.

A lot of IT outsourcing organizations have their head offices located in developed countries, mainly in Europe or America. As a result of that, they can actively look for customers. How is this connected? It is not a secret that most of big and successful corporations have their headquarters in those developed countries. Thus, IT companies are placed exactly in these places, where are potential customers. As a result of that, potential clients are not afraid cultural or language differences, as well as any misunderstandings they could lead to. Having headquarters in the same region also frequently means having similar approach to various business processes. Thanks to that, the whole process might be conducted in much smoother way.
Nevertheless, due to the high competition on the market, IT outsourcing companies are doing their best to have lower costs. This is not a secret that potential customers make their decision mainly on the bae of a competitive price.
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So, many IT outsourcing companies opened their offices in foreign countries, which meet 2 basic requirements. To begin with, there are many well educated people. Second, this country should to have attractive labor cost.

Regarding this, two various practices are recognized. Firstly, some outsourcing firms use so-called nearshore outsourcing. This means that services are developed by teams located in another country, which is culturally as well as geographically similar. Good example of nearshore cmight be objectivity wrocław. Another approach is regularlycalled offshore. The ideal examples in this case might be India. Presumably the best known area crowded with these kind of companies is Bangalore. However, some cultural as well as organizational differences may be a challenge in this case. The thing which is usually, however not always, common for those 2 approaches is that both nearshore and offshore centers are normally fully owned by the company with the headquarters in Europe or USA.